Blog 5 - The Importance English

I believe that English is fundamental for the professions today, since it is the universal language and many times as students or professionals we will find the information we need in English, so we will need to learn it in a good way to have more complete investigations, In the same way, the occasion may arise when we are asked to speak in English and thus be able to form a dialogue.

It is with all this in mind that we consider that having English at the university is super good and in this way to be able to have a more academic English where we can interact in a more formal way and understand the technicalities that are presented to us, in the same way it helps us to practice those elements that still cost us and to be able to develop better. 

Personally, I feel that I have an intermediate level in English, since I am good at listening, reading and understanding, but things are difficult for me when I have to speak or write, since my mind collapses and I cannot put words together. For example, I always watch series in English and read different books in this language, but I don't usually practice it in areas like writing or speaking, so blogs have helped me a lot to practice time and write better, allowing me to speak in a more fluent and not so confused.
