My favorite Holiday

The truth is that it is super difficult for me to choose which have been my favorite vacations, since I have something good to remember in all of them, but I think I would choose the one from 2012, where with my mother and my uncle we went to the "Torres del Paine" to make the W circuit which lasts 5 days trekking, In addition to this, we had to sleep in tents, which was very entertaining, because you could hear the rain so close to you and it let you see hidden places and with such beautiful things, for example I was able to see fossils of fish and different shells, which Nowadays it gives me a lot of emotion, because they are things that I don't know if I will see again, although on vacation we plan to return to do the O, which is the complete circuit and lasts about two weeks, since it reaches parts of Antarctica and you have to take all the implements to survive in extreme conditions, but super interesting and beautiful, since it gives you all kinds of experience and knowledge, adding this love for nature. 

Porque Ahora es el Mejor Momento Para Viajar a Torres del Paine

addition to this, before doing the adventure I bought a book on the Patagonian fauna and it was very exciting to know what I was seeing And well, thanks to that I can have the name of my favorite species, being a "Kingfisher" and the penguin, which I observed very closely.

Foto martim-pescador-grande (Megaceryle torquata) Por Viviane O. Rodrigues  | Wiki Aves - A Enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil

Finally, I would like to add as a curious fact that in Patagonia there is a Mylodon cave, which is an extinct species that inhabited those places and was extremely large (I have a stuffed animal of it, since I loved it when I saw it)

Mylodon darwini by Christopher252 on DeviantArt


  1. It is my dream to visit "Torres del Paine"! And I think it's a very good idea to research about it is fauna before going. It will definitely be a place I will consider visiting on my next vacation.


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